Enter your current bill rate, along with estimates for the number of hours & weeks you generally work. These numbers drive the rest of the comparison.
Enter your current bill rate, along with estimates for the number of hours & weeks you generally work. These numbers drive the rest of the comparison.
Enter your current bill rate, along with estimates for the number of hours & weeks you generally work. These numbers drive the rest of the comparison.

Health IT
We have a long history of success in Health IT efforts, from electronic health records (EHRs) to health information exchanges (HIEs). We are particularly good at identifying data in one system and figuring out how it can be best used to improve patient care in another system. We are careful to never lose sight of two things in our work: 1) that the patient is at the center of what we're doing (that is, we're not just moving data), and 2) the new systems and processes that are developed have to fit into the clinical workflow that is currently in place (or be bought into by the clinicians). Not recognizing patient impact, and not accounting for clinical workflow are surefire ways to cause problems on a health IT project. We take great care to account for those issues up front, and throughout the life of the project.
Care Management
Understanding how a patient might be managed as a chronic illness patient, an acute condition patient, or a transition of care patient, allows us to assist our clients in establishing the most effective use of the various health IT components they have available to them. Most clients have a number of tools at their disposal, they just aren't always used in a cohesive fashion or by the right people in the company. By sitting down with the care management team, then taking an inventory of available data flows, we are often able to recommend short- and long-term improvements to care management functions, aimed at improving care and lowering costs.
Strategic Consulting
In finding the right balance between human resources, IT solutions, and process management, Dynamed brings a unique ability to evaulate your business and make recommendations to best meet your company's goals. We recognize that not every answer requires a giant project or capital investment. Oftentimes, organizations have most of the components for success already in place, they just aren't always putting the pieces together in the most efficient manner. We are experts at starting with "what you have today" and identifying what is missing to be successful. Whether that's opening new internal communication channels, stringing together data flows from disparate systems, or creating new workflows or partnerships, we always work to minimize new investment while maximizing results.